This simple book can help you on your way

Hello, my name is Carolyn and I’d love to help you.

After my success at finally reaching and staying at my ideal weight, I thought it was time to share my secret and help others to finally reach their weight loss goal. Without stringent dieting, without obsessive exercise, without any pain at all!

If you follow the tips in my Ebook, you can reach your goal weight and stay there (and you can still eat chocolate too, if you want to!).

Check out the link below and see what you think - you only have your excess weight to lose!

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

At the low, low price of $3.75

Carolyn Cordon

wife, mother, poet and weight loss success

This is me in 2009

This is me in 2009
Happy, healthy, size ten jeans!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Losing Weight At Home

I don't go to a gym, I much prefer to exercise at home. I don't do lots of hard exercise, but I try to do a little.

I switched on the family Wii Fit machine today, to catch up with what my weight is currently, and to do a bit of a workout. The machine told me I hadn't been there for 19 days, which surprised me. It embarrassed me a little bit too - I know how good it is for me to do regular exercise.

This is good for all of us, but particularly good for people like me - I have a chronic illness (multiple sclerosis), and keeping my ability to walk around and keep active depends on actually keeping active. So I was happy that a comment from a friend on Facebook prompted me to get active again.

Having friends who can/will give these little prompts can sometimes be the difference between exercising and just sitting around. So I say a hearty Thank You! to Irma, for tweaking my conscience earlier today.

I usually have no problems with eating relatively well. I know what's good for me nutritionally, and I generally stick to what I know is the best to eat. If I go out for a meal, I make sure I choose low calorie foods, or if I want something higher in calories, I amend my diet for the day, and eat even better at home for the few days around my 'dining out' meal.

I was happy with my weight earlier today - the machine told me I'd lost a little weight. It also reminded me I still had a long way to go to meet the weight loss goal I'd set myself earlier. I'll work at that goal, and hope that I will meet it.

So the points I want to stress to readers are these:

  • having a buddy to keep you on track can be a great help with exercise and weight loss
  • eating out requires thought if it is not to lead to gaining weight
  • keeping track of your exercise and weight are great ways to keep at it
Happy exercising, and Happy Weight Loss

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