This simple book can help you on your way

Hello, my name is Carolyn and I’d love to help you.

After my success at finally reaching and staying at my ideal weight, I thought it was time to share my secret and help others to finally reach their weight loss goal. Without stringent dieting, without obsessive exercise, without any pain at all!

If you follow the tips in my Ebook, you can reach your goal weight and stay there (and you can still eat chocolate too, if you want to!).

Check out the link below and see what you think - you only have your excess weight to lose!

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

At the low, low price of $3.75

Carolyn Cordon

wife, mother, poet and weight loss success

This is me in 2009

This is me in 2009
Happy, healthy, size ten jeans!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Community Foodies, Week Four

For our fourth session we talked about making a plan and organising ourselves to do our work as Community Foodies, once we are all trained. The other participants and I have a good idea about what we are going to do for our presentation to the group, and that begins in week five.

I am going to do a short presentation about getting non-vegetable lovers to eat vegetables. I have been putting more vegetables into the food I serve up for our family. It has been very good because I have been made more aware about the importance of vegetables in our diet. I won't say I feel better physically for doing this, but I certainly feel I am being a better mother and wife for doing it. The physical benefits take a little long, but they are happening.

We also talked bout the importance of exercise. I am aware that I have been remiss about this one too, and I will aim at doing a lot more. It's difficult when it's winter and so cold outside!

No excuses. I have Wii Fit, and I can get my exercise inside where it's much, much warmer than outside. So, from now on, or soon, anyway, I will try very hard to get in the required thirty minutes of exercise that the health authorities recommend for adults.

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